Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I am very glad it is February.

January is such a rubbish month, what with long, cold nights and no-one having any money to do anything, it is a really hard month to kick start the year. But, hurrah, we are almost a week into February and life is already getting much better.

So, to review my year so far: this last month has been better than most of last year combined. I have finally gotten to grips with my relationship (I had been struggling with it for a number of reasons), my career is seemingly on the up with more potential opportunities on the horizon, my social life is improving massively after having befriended the least likely of acquaintances, I am back at the gym and feeling happy with my body, I have found a work-life balance and have also found my monkey onesie, hiding at the back of a cupboard... What more could I have wanted? I have dragged myself from crying myself to sleep every night to feeling in control and positive about my life again.

Anyone who says that New Years resolutions are a waste of time now has me to answer to. Yes, it is purely psychological, but hey, I needed the fresh start, to break away from my life as it had become and an excuse to turn over a new leaf. And, honestly, I'm proud of myself. Things are finally getting better, and I have reversed my route down the slippery slope.

I have smiled more in the last weeks than I have for months. And laughed :)


Tom said...

Glad to hear you're doing well! Cheers to a great 11 months to come!

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