Saturday, 3 December 2011

Another new era.

I began this week as if the last six months hadn't happened. Single again.

And, in all honesty, I love it.

I love being on my own, being completely in charge of my own life and making decisions purely based on what I want. This may sound selfish and make me sound like a complete spoilt brat, but having to think of someone else first has pretty much ruined me over the last few weeks so perhaps, actually, having it all thrown back in my face in the way that it was simply was a lucky escape. Maybe it means that it's OK to think about myself for a while, to focus on what I want my life to look like and spend some time making sure I reach those goals. I've been able to do that this week and I can already see the rewards. I'm happier, less stressed and generally feeling more like my usual positive self>

So, to celebrate, I had a Single Saturday (which a few friends and I came up with to describe a completely self-indulgent day). I...

  • Slept on my sofa so I could fall asleep watching telly (it's a comfort thing...);
  • Had a lie in and then sat curled up in my duvet with a cup of tea watching Saturday Kitchen;
  • Made a sausage sandwich for breakfast and sat with a pint of tea;
  • Sat and read a trashy magazine;
  • Spent over 2 hours online shopping;
  • Made a lovely stew and baked a small cake just for myself;
  • Listened to cheesy music and danced around the flat with my hoover;
  • Watched crappy telly and aimlessly surfed the internet;
  • Had a long bath with a hot-oil hair treatment and a face mask;
  • Finally sat back in the same spot I have been in all day with a cup of hot chocolate and my duvet.
Bliss <3

How have you spent your Saturday?


bobbi said...

It's sad when things end, but obviously it's for the better for you! Single Saturdays used to be my favorite thing! (They still kind of are, but shhh, don't tell The Boy). It's Sunday here, but I've pretty much done the same thing, Sex and the City and junk food, perfect recipe for a lazy day!

Unknown said...

I am also single and not finding it a problem!:) You certainly had a wonderful Saturday. Today I will prepare a special Sunday meal, watch television, listen to music, and also watch coverage of a political mass rally tonight to hear when we will go to the polls in Jamaica. We do not have a fixed election date here and the Prime Minister will announce the date at the rally. I am a new Follower of your Blog. I learnt about it from FTLOB's 'Comment Love.' Take care and have a good week.

Unknown said...

This post just made my day. Love that you can embrace being single and not having to rely on a man for happiness. "I love being on my own, being completely in charge of my own life and making decisions purely based on what I want."- True sign of a strong, independent woman! Newest follower from FTLOB :)

xoxo Shane

Irene said...

i don't think you're being selfish. you deserve that treat, girl. nothing to feel guilty of. and glad you enjoyed it! :-)

Anna said...

It's definitely OK to think about yourself, and I think it's crucial to make a relationship work in the long run as well! I've been in a long distance relationship for six years, and with one crucial benefit: I've always had the time to consider what I really want for myself and to do it. I'm so glad that I have experienced this, even though it has been hard at times. Maybe a long distance relationship is your thing?

Halina @Moments of a Libra

(Hopping by from FTLOB)

Kaity B. said...

Visiting from FTLOB :)

Your Saturday sounds very similar to mine. I love lazy days, they're so therapeutic!

Break ups are hard, but that feeling of being solely responsible for yourself is so liberating! It's the one time in your life you get to be completely selfish and it's justified. Amazing.

Chronicles of a sweet tooth said...

I am really jealous of all that comfort! That is my plan for myself today. Tea. Bed. Internet. Trash TV.

Visiting from FTLOB. Your blog is very cute!

Unknown said...

as someone who has always been single (and for some reason, always had friends who were NEVER single)I really dont find focusing on you and your own goals selfish. you are YOU, you are living YOUR life, you have to make it yours and at some point make it about just yourself so that you can become the person you were meant to be. then its time to share that life with someone else. i love all the chances i've had because im single and i would never take any of it back. i've met someone and he is amazing and if he becomes my first boyfriend thats great but i know that i can survive independantly which is great too. when you are lonely remember all the things you did on this day and how good it felt and go enjoy your independance :)

happy comment love day!. x

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