Tuesday, 14 June 2011

My little blog has had a makeover

And doesn't it look cute! Let me know if there are any little blips which need to be ironed out, although looks pretty good to me. Credit to Yellow Savvy Designs, thank you.

Now to start the make-over of my life (ok, a tenuous link but I'll run with it):

To Do (this week)

  • Sort out all of my uni folders and box what needs to be kept ready for the loft;
  • Sort out my things from the loft and bring them down;
  • Box up my books and DVDs;
  • Box up all the kitchen things I have;
  • Sort out the dumping-ground that are the drawers under my bed using a charity bag and a box;
  • Box up all my DVDs (except for my Scrubs boxsets, they are the soundtrack to my boring days);
  • Sort out the boxes in my wardrobe, streamline with a bin liner and pack.

Now I realise this was a boring blog post for any readers, but if I didn't write it here then I would have forgotten something. Now, off to find some boxes...

P.S. Enjoy my Tasty Tuesday post below, it's my favourite one so far!


Take All Chances - Missy said...

Oh dear...lots of sorting to be done!! I still have loads of stuff left from uni that I don't throw out 'just in case'!! I love the new blog design !!

Hannah said...

Love the new look! gorgeous :)

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